Wedding Interviews
Free Tips From The Professionals

My Cheap Wedding Interviews:

Throughout the process of building the My-Cheap-Wedding website, I have had the great privilege of meeting some wonderful and very knowledgeable people who care passionately about what they do and what they can do to help others.

So I thought I would start to collate some interviews with some of these wedding professionals and put them into this section for you to read.

These people have all got their own interests within the wedding field and their own specialities and expertise. So I figured, why not ask them to tell you all about their own particular field and share some of their knowledge with you (FREE of charge).

I have decided not to segment the articles into the many different sections relating to cheap weddings but rather to put all the interviews in a single interview section which will grow over time to cover all the many aspects of the cheap wedding process as follows:

  1. Is he the one? - this is an interview carried out with Dave from the 2-in-2-1 website and covers any doubts you may be having as you approach your big day (don't worry they're natural and we've all had them).

    In the interview Dave talks about how you and your other half can truly get to know each other and what you can do to understand each other as you prepare for your lives together.

Planned Interviews:

Over the next few months I hope to carry out some interviews with some industry professionals covering the more common questions I get asked on a regular basis such as "How can I get my makeup perfect but still stay on a budget?" or "How can I save money on my wedding flowers?".

So come back from time to time to keep up with the latest interviews or sign up for my RSS feed to the left hand side of this page below the table of contents.

I hope you enjoy this section on wedding interviews and please come back to it from time to time as it will grow as I meet more interesting characters from the wedding world.

TYPE: Return from Wedding Interviews to my-cheap-wedding homepage.

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