Cheap Wedding Decorations Don't Need to Be Complicated

The wedding decorations are an essential part of your wedding day, they'll help both you and your guests relax and feel at ease.

They also provide the backdrop to many of the photos taken by your guests and photographer forming permanent reminders so you need to get them right.

For this reason your decorations can make the difference between a good wedding day and a fantastic wedding day.

There are hundreds of different options to consider when it comes to your wedding decorations, from chair covers to the linen, favours, flowers, and so on.

Depending on what venue you've chosen I'll show you how to get your wedding decorations sorted, just follow the links below.

Whether it’s a church or any other wedding venue, one of the most important things is to speak to your venue about your wedding decorations prior to buying them. Some venues will have their own rules regarding decorations, such as no candles.

Others may insist tea lights are put into holders and some may not allow confetti.

wedding decorations

Rule Number One:

Always speak to your venue before buying any decorations, even if you think they're a bargain. After all, if you can't use it, it's not much of a bargain. Even the most die hard romantics will struggle to use up the 300 heart shaped candles bought on a whim!

Rule Number Two:

Keep it simple, it’s easy to get carried away and just keep adding to your decorations. This will ultimately end up looking too fussy and more stuff means more money. The best decorated weddings are the ones who use a less is more approach.

What's more you can often create simple DIY touches which will personalise your day like Mary from Sheffield who came up with a unique spin on love heart sweets. If you have any ideas you would like to share please submit them at the section titled "Your Stories"

Throughout this section I'll cover the following topics in more detail and each of the links will take you to the relevant article:

  • Chair covers - These can make tired or worn chairs look fabulous, or simply tie the whole venue theme together. Plus they look fantastic in the photos. But there are lots of things to consider before launching into purchase mode. Click on the link to get all the information you'll need.
  • Wedding favours - Your favours can be traditional or quirky, relate to the bride and groom or the location of the venue, or anything else you can imagine.
  • Wedding guest gift ideas - here you'll find some more examples of gifts you can make for your wedding guests for less than you might think.
  • Centerpieces - Your wedding centerpieces need to look great but shouldn't overpower the table or stop your guests from making eye contact across it.
  • A Wedding Balloon Arch - Many of you will likely be of the opinion that these are difficult to produce, but nothing could be farther from the truth (provided you know one simple secret).
  • A Wedding Balloon Centrepiece - Wedding balloon centrepieces are a great way of substantially reducing the number of flowers you'll need (and in turn your flower budget) while still getting the visual impact you're after.
  • Location - your decoration requirements will change depending on your chosen venue, from beach weddings, outdoor venues to tradditional venues.
  • Cheap Decorations - with a little thought you can easily create fantastic looking decorations that cost very little. This section shares some of my favourites.
  • Easy Decorations - sometimes it's not enough that decorations are cheap but they also need to be easy and quick to make/install.
  • Wedding Pew Decorations - by using simple decorations for the pews in the church you can save money, as long as you know what to avoid and which elements to economise on.

The amount of money you can save when it comes to decorating your venue depends only on your imagination. Whether it’s the chair covers, wedding favours or flowers there is always a way of saving money.

As my other half would say "when it comes to saving money, there's always an angle, you just haven't figured out what it is yet!"

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