Vintage Wedding Dresses

Think vintage wedding dresses and images of glamorous brides such as Grace Kelly or Elizabeth Taylor spring to mind.

Their timeless dresses look as elegant today as they did all those years ago. These styles still look fresh because they are essentially simple wedding dresses with little embellishment to date them.

More and more brides are following in the footsteps of these style-conscious brides such as Kate Moss and Lily Allen who opted for the vintage look for their recent nuptials.

Vintage dresses come in a huge range of styles, from 1930’s unstructured lace numbers to 1970’s empire-line, bell-sleeved designs.

Perhaps you’ve been inspired by your Mum’s wedding photos or a dress you’ve seen in a period drama?

With the current trend for weddings with a more informal ‘village fete’ theme, vintage style wedding dresses work perfectly in this setting.

Where can you get your vintage style wedding dress?

If you’ve set your heart on a retro styled dress, there are a number of ways of getting one:

  • Used wedding dresses – don’t be put off by the idea of a used wedding dress. Have a look in local charity shops, on eBay, or in newspaper classifieds. These are where you can find a genuine vintage wedding dress.

    Also check out specialist vintage boutiques and specialist second hand wedding dress websites – bargains will be harder to find in these places though!

  • If you want a new dress but in a vintage style, speak to dress-makers in your area. Take pictures or sketches of what you have in mind and that way you can design your own wedding dress or they can come up with a design for you.

    The beauty of this method is that vintage dresses tend to be quite plain with little embellishment so they are often cheaper to have made than a modern design.It is also possible to buy wedding dress patterns for vintage wedding gowns online.

    Perhaps you have a friend or family member who is talented at dress making and can help?

Vintage wedding gowns are a fabulous choice for brides who want a classic dress that won’t date. They also tie in brilliantly with retro-themed weddings.

As you see, you can have an authentic vintage wedding gown with its own history, or you can have a new dress made to a vintage pattern. Whichever you choose, have fun finding your perfect vintage dress!

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